Friday, December 18, 2009
What an Angel!
Cloth Diapers?
Now for the big question: Why make the switch? Well, if you are really interested, I had three reasons. First, was money. We spend about $20 a week on the diapers and night-time Pullups, and even with laundering costs the cloth is less per month than disposable.
Second, is my issue with throwing away so many diapers. We use about 50 diapers a week and these diapers take an estimated 500 years to decompose. That's a lot of diapers sitting around for a long time, and I'm not really crazy about the idea of preserving my kids poo for their great, great, great, great grand-kids.
Lastly, I like natural things. I obsess over giving my family healthy food, use NFP, nursed each baby, and do lots of other crunchy Granola type things, so cloth diapering is really not a huge leap for me, but the push came when I learned that (used) disposable diapers won't burn. Well, at least not in a burn barrel. Kind of made me wonder if I really wanted to strap something to my kids tush that was so un-natural that it wouldn't even burn after two weeks at the bottom of the burn barrel. Anyway, we made the switch and it's going well. I don't think we will switch back except maybe for trips and stuff, but the diaper sprayer is definitely on the must-have list!
Friday, December 4, 2009
First off, we are pregnant; Yay! Yes, it is number 4. Yes, it was planned. Yes, we are excited, though my excitement did wane a little when the morning sickness set in. (No worries, I'm sure is will be back full force when the baby starts to kick. I love that part!) The little one is due July 20th, or there abouts. I'm crossing my fingers that it comes early and hopefully around 8 lb, or 7lb even, I would take that. No more 9.9-ers! Jeesh! ( just kidding, we love you Lulu! You were totally worth it.)
Our Thanksgiving holiday was wonderful, we spent several days at my parents house and was able to enjoy the whole family since my sister was on break from the religious order she joined in August. Thanksgiving day was great too, the food was amazing as always, and we got to see a lot of the cousins who have moved away or gone off to college. So much fun! The only downside was that Lulu started getting a cold/Flu thing the Monday before Thanksgiving and we are still trying to get over it. Yuck! Immy slept through two whole days and then still missed two more days of school after the break. And I have to say, morning sickness and a cold, not a fun combination. I didn't get a thing done this past week. Hopefully we have had our share of the holiday sickness and can spend the rest of it in peace!
Not much else... we have done a few new things to the house. We put in a new back door with a glass panel (It's wonderful, let's so much more light in to the kitchen!), and painted the gables on the outside of the house. I think next we may put a better faucet in the kitchen so that I can do this with the old sprayer. We will see.
And no, I did not get this update out in 15 minutes. I actually was distracted by three contractors, two kids, and then I had to plug the computer in and go pick up Immy from school. I didn't get back to my computer for another few days, then my cold turned in to a horrible sinus infection, and I was down for another few days. After that I just spent the next week playing catch-up. Sound familiar ladies? Oh well, we do what we can ;)
Friday, November 20, 2009
If you love it, support it!
Their concept is simple and the numbers that back up their cause are staggering. The 3/50 project is an organization focused on saving the wonderful mom-and-pop stores throughout the country. I often see small stores that I appreciated close their doors and comfort myself by thinking, ‘Well, I can’t keep them all in business on my own.’ True, but it is quite amazing the profound difference each one of us can make in supporting our local economy. According to Project 3/50, here’s how it is done:3
Think about which three independently owned businesses you would miss most if they were gone. Stop in and say hello. Pick up a little something that will make someone smile. Your contribution is what keeps those businesses around.
If just half of the employed U.S. population spent $50 each month in independently owned businesses, their purchases would generate more than $42.6 billion in revenue. Imagine the positive impact if 3/4 of the employed population did that.
For every $100 spent in independently owned stores, $68 returns to the community through taxes, payroll, and other expenditures. If you spend that in a national chain, only $43 stays here. Spend it online and nothing comes home.
the number of people it takes to start the trend… you.
The website is full of great resources, images, t-shirts, etc. to help you show your support! Print out a couple of the fliers and take them by one of your ‘3′- my guess is you and the owner will be smiling after your visit.
Friday, November 6, 2009
Who is human?
Back in college I remember reading about how in certain societies throughout history, I believe in this case it was the Greeks, it was common for parents to abandon unwanted newborns, leaving them somewhere to die. It was so deeply troubling to me, and I could never figure out what was going on there: how on earth could this have happened?! I mean, I knew lots of people, and nobody I knew would do that! In fact, in our society you only hear about it in rare cases of people who are obviously mentally disturbed. How could something so obviously evil, so unthinkably horrific be common among entire societies?
Because of my deep distress at hearing of things like this, I found it really irritating when pro-lifers would refer to abortion as "killing babies."
It is a wonderful post, and you can read the rest of it here at: Who is human?
I also recommend How would you know? which goes along with this image:
This picture haunts me:
Both of these are well worth the read!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Happy Halloween!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Where's my candy!?

Monday, November 2, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
So much fun!
Pumpkin Patch Field Trip!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Dinner on the Beach
Friday, October 23, 2009
Here comes the candy!

After the kids have brought home their loot on Halloween night what do you do with it all? Our yearly tradition is to let the kids stuff themselves full of all the candy, sweets, and treats they can stand on Halloween, but the next day it all goes put away. Every year we have found a different creative way to use it all up (without me eating it all ;). Here are a few of my ideas; what are yours?
Freeze the leftover candy and use it to decorate a kit gingerbread house at Christmas; those kits never have enough candy!
Freeze some to use in a home-made advent calendar at Christmas.
Take some of the extra candy to an office as a thank-you. Banks, Doctors, Fire or Police departments, Daddy's office, and even the staff at the Dentist usually enjoy getting a sweet treat!
Fill some gold paper cups with the candy then wrap them up to give out as "trophies" to the winners of your Thanksgiving day football game, scavenger hunt, etc.
Send it to our brave troops overseas with a note of thanks and encouragement.
Photo credits to
Sunday, October 11, 2009
First Day of School

Sunday, October 4, 2009
Government run health care?
Big government style health care? Why not!
Friday, September 25, 2009
This room is all mine! For now. It will eventually be the girls room, but I am using it for a sewing/office until they need it.

In the kitchen they also put up can lights, installed a new light fixture, and replaced the pendants over the bar. They were busy!

The bar was painted a darker shade of brown to make it stand out against the wall. I LOVE the kitchen now, and it was totally worth the near heart failure I had trying to pick out new colors.

Later we painted the brown accent wall over the sinks. I don't really care for it, but Dh likes it, so it stays. We also put in a shower door (below).