We had JP's birthday party on Saturday. The kids had so much fun, and it was robot themed. So cute! This is the only picture I have right now because I let everyone else take the pictures.
Pumpkin Patch Field Trip!

JP and I went on Immy's field trip last Thursday. Here is her class at the park right after lunch. Immy is in the front (second from right) next to her new best friend (front right).

Here they are at the Pumpkin Patch. This was the first activity station, where they dropped pumpkins and gourds in to a bucket to see which ones float.

This was the last station where they read a story and then got to feel inside a pumpkin. There were also snack and craft stations, and the kids all got to pick a small pumpkin to take home.

It was lots of fun, but JP was a bit of a rascal. I was there to help chaperon, but spent most of the time helping him or chasing him down. Next time I will leave him with the sitter and just spend the day with Immy.
Okay--I can't BELIEVE that you're telling me that you don't have your sewing room set up yet!!!! Are you KIDDING me? How are you staying sane, girl? Thanks for all your great comments and for checking in over at my blog all the time. . . . and get that room set up!