We didn't do much this week except help get DH ready for OTS. There was a lot of running around and trips back and forth to the recruiting center to get paperwork done, but here are some of the things we were able to squeeze in. :)

Holy Thursday we did our Passover meal of roast lamb, flat bread, bitter salad,
Charoset, wine/grape juice, and a (ginger) lamb cake for dessert. I got this idea last year from the book
The Year And Our Children, and although we do not observe all of the ceremony of the Jewish tradition ours was a lovely way to remember
Jesus's Passover meal of the Last Supper where we were given the
Eucharist. Before and after the meal we read from the
childrens bible all the stories of the holy Week through Easter Sunday. It was really neat, and the kids had a great time.
Good Friday we were at the recruiting center all day, and the kids took part in a
easter egg hunt. We all had a good time, and the kids were really good and agreed to save the candy for Sunday.

Holy Saturday the kids and I decorated Easter eggs and ate, of course, egg salad for lunch. They did great! We actually let them dry correctly this year, so they didn't dye our hands every time we picked them up. The kids decorated them with stickers afterward.
so sweet...that Thursday meal sounds like such a neat idea.