This was our house all packed-up.
We lived in this all weekend; it was like being in a mouse maze.

The movers came on Monday to load our stuff.

Our empty living room.

JP in our empty garage.

Me out in front of the house sweeping (I clean when I am nervous :) with all of our boxes.

A slightly distorted view of all of our stuff in the trailer. They had three households packed into this trailer!

We stayed with some friends Monday night.
Here is Grace playing with Lulu.

Immy, JP, and Claire playing with Play dough.

Here is a good-bye shot.
We miss you all!

This was our second night stop. The kids love playing in the pool!

Dh by the pool.

Me and Lulu. She LOVES the water!

This is a rest stop outside Colorado Springs.

This is a shot leaving Colorado.
Our visit was wonderful, but I will post more pictures of that later when I get them off Dh's camera.

We saw these windmills on our drive south. I can't remember what state they were in.

Here is a picture of the kids around 6am.
JP is my early riser :)

This was our first sight of the water and the battleship in Alabama.

More water.

We made it to Florida.
Here are the pictures of my parents land and house, from their trailer where we are staying.

The horses around the back deck of the trailer.
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