Wow! I can't believe the year is coming to an end already; I better get on it!
At the end of each year I have all my blog posts from January to December printed out into a book, but due to the arrival of our latest pride-and-joy, my posts are only up to October! Sooo, prepare yourselves for a bunch of really long posts while I get caught up!
October 2010:
What do you do with the kids when it rains almost every day of the week? |
Quick disclaimer: It was a really warm Oct, and there wasn't any thunder or lightning. I haven't completely lost my senses. Yet.
Also, look at my herbs in the background! My 1st attempt at gardening was a success! Not all of the plants survived, but I ended up with eight potted herbs. The kids also planted watermelon and beans in the side yard.
PT, Noni, and cousin Mew |
First Smiles! |
Corn Maze outing!
Me and the kids. |
I forgot the sunscreen, so I made all my kids wear these dorky hats. They will thank me when they're older.
Me and PT |
Kids in the corn maze. |
We are done having fun. |
The kids were good sports, but Oct in Florida isn't exactly winter; it was so hot! I didn't know they could grow corn on the surface of the sun.
Immy |
My kids love planes, and going to the museum is a huge thrill for them!
Lulu and cousin Bper looking at the AIRPLANES!!!
Lulu stopping to pick flowers |
They were all a bit scared they were going to fall off. |
Me, cousin Bper, Lulu, and JP in front of the new monument honoring service dogs.
Me and JP checking out a butterfly. |
Lulu and Bper checking out a tank inside the museum! |
"Flying" in the F-15 cockpit. |
Pumpkin Patch outing!
Lulu is making her craft. |
Lulu and JP watching to see if pumpkins float. |
Cute Cousins! |
Me and PT. |
I'm glad my sister hangs out with us all the time, because she is a great photographer and I get to be in front of the camera for a change. Oh, and I like her too.
How cute is this!? |
Lulu picking her pumpkin. |
Tinker Bell, G.I. Joe, and Cheerleader. |
Happy Halloween!
Skeleton PT. It's not easy being this cute. |
Lulu, PT, and me making a caramel apple. |
Immy, very proud of her face painting after the church picnic! |