Happy #7 Miss Immy! |
Happy birthday sweet Immy! Your seven years have flown by. You are so smart, kind, and a natural leader. You make me laugh. You have a wonderful understanding of how to get people to do things -good or bad. You love your brothers and sister, and you are talkative and quick to make a new "best friend". You are also often happy to just be alone drawing or reading. You taught me how to be a momma, and everything you do will always be new to me. I love you, and the "new" that each year with you brings.
Big #1! |
Happy birthday PT! Your first year has flown by, and it would break my heart to think that you are growing so fast were I not enjoying it so much! You are driven and determined. You are a bit particular, but you love to see new things. You have a temper, but are also quick to smile and laugh. We have so much fun with you, and you adore your brother and sisters. I love you.
Happy 27! |
Darling, I laugh because we are starting to feel old- though we are far from grey. Life feels a bit more fragile than it did before, and we are starting to realize just how fast it goes. We have been together for eleven years, with good and bad, and lots of time apart; but I am thankful for all of it and how it has taught us to treasure our time together now. I love you for your dreams, and determination. For your sense of humor, and the amazing way you make friends everywhere. Thanks for the everyday; you have my love always.