Thursday, December 30, 2010

November 2010!

Happy boy!
 JP took his birthday money and picked out some toys at the store; he got a bubble gum machine, flashlight, motorcycle man, and chainsaw!

Immy's Johnny Appleseed Play! 
Immy was so excited about her play, she was singing all week!
In costume
I made the apron out of a vintage pillow case from my great grandma.
 Here is a short video of the kids singing the apple song.

All the kids looked so cute!
Immy got to stand right up front.
PT. He is getting so big!
JP thought it was great to stroll around the baby, PT was not so excited.

Look who has gotten his thumb!

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

October 2010

Wow! I can't believe the year is coming to an end already; I better get on it! 
At the end of each year I have all my blog posts from January to December printed out into a book, but due to the arrival of our latest pride-and-joy, my posts are only up to October! Sooo, prepare yourselves for a bunch of really long posts while I get caught up!
October 2010:
What do you do with the kids when it rains almost every day of the week?
Quick disclaimer: It was a really warm Oct, and there wasn't any thunder or lightning. I haven't completely lost my senses. Yet. 
Also, look at my herbs in the background! My 1st attempt at gardening was a success! Not all of the plants survived, but I ended up with eight potted herbs. The kids also planted watermelon and beans in the side yard.

PT, Noni, and cousin Mew
First Smiles!
Corn Maze outing!

Me and the kids.
I forgot the sunscreen, so I made all my kids wear these dorky hats. They will thank me when they're older.
Me and PT
Kids in the corn maze.
We are done having fun.
The kids were good sports, but Oct in Florida isn't exactly winter; it was so hot! I didn't know they could grow corn on the surface of the sun. 

A. F. Armament Museum outing
My kids love planes, and going to the museum is a huge thrill for them!
 Lulu and cousin Bper looking at the AIRPLANES!!!
Lulu stopping to pick flowers

They were all a bit scared they were going to fall off. 
Me, cousin Bper, Lulu, and JP in front of the new monument honoring service dogs.
Me and JP checking out a butterfly.
Lulu and Bper checking out a tank inside the museum! 

"Flying" in the F-15 cockpit.
Pumpkin Patch outing!

Lulu is making her craft.
Lulu and JP watching to see if pumpkins float.
Cute Cousins!
Me and PT.
I'm glad my sister hangs out with us all the time, because she is a great photographer and I get to be in front of the camera for a change. Oh, and I like her too. 
How cute is this!?
Lulu picking her pumpkin.
Tinker Bell, G.I. Joe, and Cheerleader.

Happy Halloween!

Skeleton PT. It's not easy being this cute.
Lulu, PT, and me making a caramel apple.
Immy, very proud of her face painting after the church picnic!